Mike Bristow, CEO, CrowdProperty

We really appreciate the thoroughness of your review and care you take around getting great insights into a platform.

Adrian Steele, a 4thWay® subscriber

Thank you and congratulations on the 4thway site. Having dipped my toe in the peer-to-peer market in the last 6 months I have only just found 4thway. The information on the site is fantastic and it is a great resource.

Salvatore Cocurullo, Revenue Land

I have a lot of respect for your huge job on 4thway, I believe people get real help from your content and tables.

Anon, a 4thWay® subscriber

Thanks goes to you and your team, for providing a one stop source of knowledge on P2p Lending and IFISAs

David Cockerton, 4thWay® subscriber

This website has been extremely helpful in giving unbiased and clear advice on this new and growing marketplace. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Alan Wilkinson, 4thWay® subscriber

Very helpful thanks…I found 4thWay to be an indispensable introduction and source of expert review for the budding p2p investor, thanks for all your work.

Tony Staw, 4thWay® subscriber

It is very useful to have an impartial website to help sort through the various peer-to-peer websites.

Jane Carter, 4thWay® subscriber

I find their analyses very useful in assessing the risk/return/ of different platforms and how they operate.

David Bradshaw, 4thWay® subscriber

I’d just like to compliment you on your excellent website as it’s been a helpful resource for me as I’m sure many others before me, on starting with P2P investments.

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