Our ratings have steered peer-to-peer lending investors to outstanding results.

Earn more money, more safely, with 4thWay

Lending accounts with a 4thWay PLUS Rating have earned lenders with sensible strategies a resoundingly good return every year, while share investors lost money every third year!

4thWay is the word’s first ratings agency for peer-to-peer lending. Founded in 2014. Rated 9.005/10 by our users.

Lande Lending Account
10.8% after bad debts
Description €22 m since 2020 to farmers in Latvia secured against their land, homes, grain or machinery, with optional auto-lend, auto-diversification & early exit
Latest research on Lande
Lande has regained its 4thWay PLUS Rating as it restarted its data supply and is now supported by better quality new loans and double-digit lending rates Expand to read more
We earn commission and/or fees from this peer-to-peer lending provider to cover the costs of conducting our calculated ratings assessments. It doesn't affect our impartiality. See details below table.
SaveLend Lending Account
8.12% after bad debts
Description SEK 1 bn (€90 m) since 2017 to property developers, landlords, individual borrowers and business borrowers, with auto-lend, auto-diversification & early exit
Latest research on SaveLend
SaveLend Is 1st Scandinavian P2P Lending Company To Receive 4thWay PLUS Rating Expand to read more
We earn commission and/or fees from this peer-to-peer lending provider to cover the costs of conducting our calculated ratings assessments. It doesn't affect our impartiality. See details below table.
Klear Lending Account
5.5% after bad debts
Description BGN 42 m since 2016 to borrowers in Bulgaria in mostly unsecured personal loans, with optional auto-lend & auto-diversification & early exit. Regulated in Bulgaria
Latest research on Klear
About Klear’s 4thWay PLUS Rating And Other Important Information Expand to read more
Ratings fees and impartial research: our service is free to you. 4thWay receives compensation to cover the costs of conducting quarterly ratings assessments. We vigorously ensure that this doesn't affect our independence.
LEND Direct Investment Account & RoboInvest Account
Risk Scores N/A
4.48% after bad debts
Description CHF 371 m since 2014 to borrowers in Switzerland in mostly unsecured personal & business loans, & some secured property bridging, investment-property & trading property loans, with optional auto-lend & auto-diversification
Latest research on LEND
About LEND’s 4thWay PLUS Rating And Further Key Information Expand to read more

Compare European peer-to-peer lending accounts with 4thWay PLUS Ratings

Any 4thWay PLUS Rating – on a scale of 1 to 3 – reflects that a lending account is investment quality and is an opportunity to be taken seriously.

If you lend in lots of loans through a batch of rated lending accounts, your chances of satisfactory returns overall are very high.

4thWay’s specialists in investing, credit and credit-risk provide world-class ratings for peer-to-peer lending and other online direct lending.

People are six times more likely to open accounts and lend, and some financial institutions (businesses that invest and lend as a profession), only do so if accounts have achieved an investment-grade rating from 4thWay from 1/3 to 3/3.

Here’s why: 4thWay has huge experience and an exceptional record in rating P2P lending providers for investors.

Our research into peer-to-peer lending providers has so far closely followed – and often made – their fortunes, influencing many tens of millions of pounds of investment.

But, most importantly, investors have profited tremendously, easily making money from rated lending accounts, even when lending through a severe recession.

4thWay.eu rates peer-to-peer lending companies based in the EU and continental Europe. More will be added in the near future.

For P2P lending providers based in the UK, go to 4thWay.co.uk.

A brief explanation of the 4thWay PLUS Ratings

To earn the top 4thWay PLUS Rating of 3/3 “Exceptional”, P2P lending companies need to supply 4thWay with detailed data of every loan and access to their key people. They need to pass our specialists’ Basel stress tests. These are the same tests that global banks have to do to see how your loans might perform in a downturn. But we go further: we assume a major recession and severe property crash happening. Only those passing these stress tests can get the top rating.

2/3 is highly impressive and these can earn the moniker “Rising Star” or “Hidden Gem”. The industry is still young, so quite a few P2P lending providers still don’t have the depth and history to conduct full Basel stress tests. But 4thWay’s specialists know what to look for in budding P2P businesses and how to quantify it. If they give us full data and access, and pass our other measures, they deservedly earn this 4thWay PLUS Rating.

1/3 “Discover” is where you can find surprising and interesting lending opportunities. It’s these ones that often pay the most attractive interest rates for the risks involved, as they are still being especially generous to attract lenders’ attention. These are the ones that are generally so young they don’t have the capacity to provide 4thWay with the data and access we require, or they’re not yet ready for that step. Even so, data from other sources or that is publicly available shows us that these, when viewed as a group, are likely to produce excellent results in the coming years.

Now it’s your turn. Because the ratings only work if you use them right:

The 4thWay PLUS Ratings in the P2P lending comparison table assume you spread your money across 100s or 1,000s of loans in 6+ lending accounts, and hold your loans until they’re fully repaid by the borrowers. Focus on your overall returns across all loans and P2P lending sites, not individual performances.

Ratings aren’t guarantees. Understand all the risks before you lend, because the risk of bad debts, as reflected in the ratings, is just one of the risks.

All peer-to-peer lending companies (and other direct lending platforms), please write to ratings@4thway.eu to start the process to be rated and listed, or to learn more about the benefits to you and your investors if you earn a 4thWay PLUS Rating.